Februari 06, 2012


apa yang ada dibenak kalian ketika mendengar kata "SISTER" ?? happy,mad, badly, or nothin..?
haha, but if you choose one except happiness or something like that kalian harus mencoba untuk menjadi saudara yang kompak and full of laughs!
I am with my dearest sister, Nuning. we're like a twin sister, haha (banyak loh orang yang bilang kayak gitu) this is my first style with my sister.
haha, but.. selain untuk gaya-gayaan aja this preppy look bisa banget diajak buat have course atau hangout bareng temen.
she's my sister.. enjoying this day with ride a  bicycle. btw, ini sepeda udah lama banget.. sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu, hehe. but I'll always keep this thing karena dibeliin my dearest father.
~ Floral Shirt (Bought at Butik Jadul)
~ Black Skinny Jeans
~ Red Flat Shoes (Found at little kiosk)
~ Cream Bandage

yap.. btw, I am sorry if some of my style are disappeared in this pic!! yah mungkin akan dijelasin aja deh lewat a little describe.
~ Polkadots Tie (Disappear in this pic, I wore on the right)
~ Dark Patterns Dress (Bought at Butik Jadul)
~ Maroon Belt (Disappear in this pic)
~ Converse White (Disappear in this pic)

hehe, I hate this but,.. yeahhhh for you!!!!
well.. my dress + converse white cocok banget untuk pergi kursus musik atau hangout ke tempat-tempat yang unique and fabulous! but if you just wanna be a casual girl cukup gaya floral shirt with skinny jeans.. extraordinary girl!!!


this year, I really wanna change myself...! not at all but, some the negative attitudes.
yaa, karena itu saya punya hobi baru selain chatting-an lewat omegle di internet.
you know what's? hahahahaha, agak aneh sih tapi mungkin bisa ngurangin some bad activities kalo lagi surf in internet.
that's COOOOOOOL banget buat aku yang hobi maling makanan #LOL
btw, I've made an album in my facebook account named "Delicious"
yah, sekadar bagi-bagi pics aja deh.
remember! these are not take or make by me OK :D

maybe it called MIE AYAM SPESIAL yah? soalnya ada sausage, egg, chicken leg, and mixed vegetables.

nah, kayaknya ini SPECIAL WAFFLE nih, because you can find berry fruit and bananas there!!

wah, from the inside mungkin bisa diperkirakan CHOCOLATE CAKE ya..

ada es krim, ada sejenis donat. yah you can give it name as you want.. because saya gak tau namanya apa :D

wah.. I think I know what is it! but if I am wrong tell me, hmm.. ICE CHOCO CHIPS COOKIES haha, gak tau deh

wihihi.. I've ever saw it. mungkin bola-bola coklat CHOCO BALL.. kalii yah!

kue sus! yah pasti nih, because there are vanilla cream. but idk what the own gives.
susah kalo dijelasin one for one, so just look at the pics and think what's the name.